Weed Management in GM Alfalfa: Roundup Ready Alfalfa [2024]
GM alfalfa has been back on the market for about six years, after a detour through the courts that began not long after it was first introduced in 2005 as the fifth glyphosate-resistant crop to be commercialized.
Course Features
- Lectures 10
- Questions 20
- Duration 1.5 h (approx)
This course is approved for continuing education credit for the following:
- California Department of Pesticide Regulation (1 credit, Other)
- Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Accredited in U.S. and Canada (2 hours, Crop Management)
- Delaware Department of Agriculture (1 credit PA, 1A)
- Florida Department of Agriculture (1 CEU, Category 482, 487, General Standards/Core)
- Georgia Department of Agriculture (Private, 1 hour, Category 10)
- Idaho Department of Agriculture (1 credit)
- Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (1 credit 1A, Priv CORE)
- Montana Department of Agriculture (1 credit, categories 10, 30, 39, 60.) *Maximum of 6 credits for online training per recertification cycle for commercial, government, dealers, non-commercial, and private applicators
- Nevada Department of Agriculture (1 CEU General)
- New Jersey Department of Agriculture (2 units 1A, PP2) *Due to a recent change in NJ rules, in order to receive credit, NJ licensees must submit a photo of themselves holding their license, with the course open on their computer behind them. Send to [email protected]*
- New Mexico Department of Agriculture (1 Credit: General, PRAP, PRRO)
- Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (1 Hour, Category 1A & 10)
- Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (2 credits in 01, 18, PC)
- South Carolina Department of Agriculture (1 credit Core)
- Texas Department of Agriculture (1 CEU General Pest Factors)
- Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (1 CEU in Use)
- Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets (1 Credit: 1A, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- Washington State Department of Agriculture [Credit: Max: 1 Weed: 1]
- West Virginia Department of Agriculture (3 credits in Categories 1, 11, 12 and PA)
- Wyoming Department of Agriculture (1 CEU)
Information for this course was gleaned from a wide array of sources, including the University of California, the University of Arizona, Penn State University, and Monsanto. Specifically the research of Steve B. Orloff, Siskiyou County UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor; Daniel H. Putnam, Extension Agronomist, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis; Steve Wright, Tulare County UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor; W. Thomas Lanini, UC Cooperative Extension Weed Ecologist, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis; William McCloskey, Extension Weed Specialist and Lydia Brown from the University of Arizona; William Curran and Bryan L. Dillehay from Penn State; Ryan Rector, Technology Development Manager, Monsanto; and Jeff Herrmann, Monsanto Specialty Crops Product Development Manager.
Additional information was gleaned from “Reducing the Risks of Herbicide Resistance: Best Management Practices and Recommendations” published by the Weed Science Society of America and authored by Jason K. Norsworthy, Sarah M. Ward, David R. Shaw, Rick S. Llewellyn, Robert L. Nichols, Theodore M. Webster, Kevin W. Bradley, George Frisvold, Stephen B. Powles, Nilda R. Burgos, William W. Witt, and Michael Barrett.
Excerpts were used from “Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Glyphosate-Resistant Crops,” authored by Kassim Al-Khatgib, UC Cooperative Extension Weed Specialist and Director of Statewide IPM Program, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis; Brad Hanson, UC Cooperative Extension Weed Specialist, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis; Tim Miller, Mount Vernon Research and Extension Center, Mount Vernon, Washington; Ed Peachy, Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis; and Rick Boydston, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Prosser, Washington.
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